Cow Beans Recipes

Cow Beans
The cow beans plants are believed to be native to India and Middle East, but early times were cultivated in china. Cow beans are cultivated and used as food across Africa, Asia and South America. 70 percentage of world’s cow peas production comes from sub Saharan Africa especially Nigeria.

This seed crop is known as Red Chori and botanical terms referred to as Vigna Unguiculata. They are called Southern Peas and Black eyed peas in North America. Cow pea seeds are extremely tasty and rich in proteins and other nutrients. They are used to preparing delicious dishes, salads, desserts and soups etc. In Hindi it is called lobhia.

Here are some extremely delicious cow beans recipes, which are very simple and healthy. These recipes can be easly tried at home.

Cow Pea
 4.Red Cow Beans Curry