Non Veg Recipes

Chicken Curry
Non vegetarian recipes have very important place in the menu of main cuisines of the world. Non veg dishes are juicy, tender and delicious and made with egg, chicken, mutton, pork etc.We can prepare different varities of sea food also.We are used to prepare lip smacking healthy non veg dishes.
Non veg dishes are the good source of nutriants and vitamins and are enriched with iron and zinc.Fish oil  is packed with omega-3. Chicken dishes are the good source of protien and vitamins.Here are some non veg dishes which can be tried at home with ease.Enjoy the tempting flavours of non veg dishes.

1. Mutton Korma -- (1)
2. Mutton Korma -- (2)
3. Steamed Mutton
4. Mutton Masala Fry
5. Mutton Rib Chops
6. Chicken Konjey
7. Chicken In Japani Style
8. Chicken With Carrot
9. Chicken Grilled
10. Red Chicken Curry
Mutton Fry
11. Chicken Coconut Fry
12. Chicken Mushroom In Thai Style
13. Chicken Curry [Without Oil]
14. Chicken In Coriander Masala
15. Chicken In Coconut Gravy
16. Chicken Roast
17. Chilli Crab
18. Crab Curry
19. Fried Chilli Prawns
20. Prawns Curry
21. Prawns Fry
22. Dry Prawns Chutney
23. Prawns In Coconut Gravy
24. Fish In Fenugreek Leaves
25. Instant Prawn Balls
26. Fried Chicken Wings In American Style
27. Prawn With Cashewnuts
28. Liver Curry
29. Sheep Brain Fry
30. Fish Kefari